Post 3: My Pets


                       Today I will talk about a little and cute being: my russian hamster Vicky.

At first I wanted adopted in a foundation, but somebody had it already adopted. So, I bought a hamster. 

I wanted a male, is more, I decided his name: Pedro. But for destiny things... a female arrived!

I decided name her Victoria for her personality in honor to Queen Victoria, a strong woman, with character and smart. Her complete name is Victoria Jesús Lépez. Why "Jesús"? Because I found it funny hahaha like in as in mexican novels. Sometimes I scream her "Victoria Jesús, what happened?" hahaha, but the most of times I call her "Vicky" or "Vickynga".

She is precious, so small, funny, big eater, and very smart. She has a lot energy, she run all night! Sometimes she is aggressive, hits with her little hands and puts on her "Chinese eyes", better known as "Stitch eyes" hahaha.

She is my second hamster. My first hamster named Agata, had a chronic kidney illness, so he couldn't live long. However, she had an excellent life and I currently have her ashes in an amphora.

Vicky is very important to me, because she arrived to my life for cheer me up and keep me company. She is my baby, my little russian. I like hear her in nights run in her wheel, is a  noise that gives me joy, I got used to it.

                        I hope  you liked this post, it is a topic that I love to talk about. 

                                                 See you in next post!


  1. HI, I hope you are well, I loved your blog, your hamster's name is so funny!!

  2. Your hamster is very cute, although in the fourth picture she has a bad face hahahaha :D

  3. Omg she's so tiny, I love her. I've never seen a hamster up close, they must be so funny

  4. Victoria Jesús Lépez looks incredibly adorable and funny, one day I would love to have a hamster.

  5. look so cute your hamster, my nephew had a hamster but he gives it to another guy because he can't sleep in the nights hahaha


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